Comfort And Courage

October 29, 2020


I was trying to think of the best plant ally for right now.

Motherwort is wonderful for opening the heart and combating fear and anxiety.

In Chinese Medicine, the kidneys (fear) and the heart (courage) are connected. Strengthen one, you calm the other.

There’s also a link between the heart and uterus which I connect a lot in fertility treatments.. Interestingly, those two organs are made from the same type of muscle fiber! Both need to be incredibly strong, flexible, and able to sometimes move through great hardship and pain for transformation to occur.

If you are feeling anxious and uncertain right now, grab some motherwort tincture. It's truly a gift.  And thank the plant too.

It strengthens the heart, is like a big hug from the Mother. And it helps tonify the uterus, soIts great for PMS, peri- and post menopause. (but since its a uterine tonic, avoid during pregnancy.)

…and while likely safe, check with your doctor if taking other medication


Fertility: It Takes Time, Part 1