Anxiety And Insomnia - Fire Imbalance

June 18, 2021

The Fire Element:
Joy and Insomnia

Anyone seen "In the Heights"? Do so if you can. It captures the Fire element at its best, showing its two sides:

First, Fire YANG is the desire to go OUT! To be in the sun, go to the beach, have a party. Like those amazing dance scenes full of joy, play, connecting on large scale.

Second, Fire YIN is the desire to connect in a quieter, more intimate way. Like the lovely ballads and the quest for love.

My favorite image of Fire YIN is kids in a tent house, whispering secrets to their best friend. That was SO me as a kid. 👧

We each have our unique relationship to sun and shade. We each have our way we love to connect.

What's yours?

Is it spending the day at the beach or an outdoor concert? Or is it swinging in a hammock under the shade reading a good book?

When fire is out of balance there's too much energy going out, scattered, and not enough coming in, resting. We can end up anxious or not able to sleep.

Insomnia and Anxiety

Acupuncture is a proven remedy for anxiety and sleep disorders. Here's the RESEARCH: It takes about four weeks but the protocol works. And most people feel MUCH better after just a couple sessions.


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