A Thing Is What It Is

February 15, 2021

A friend who’s a comic talked about her dating life. How she found the prefect guy — in her mind— even though he was unreliable and had a drug problem. Her response? “No, problem, I’ll change him”

Anyone done the same? Not seen a thing for what it was, deciding all we need to do is change it and then it will be perfect.

We do this to our thoughts, other people, our work, our bodies, nature, God, the universe, you name it.

Spiritual bypassing has us want everything to be love and light. Make everything beautiful. Transform the ugly to good.

Here’s the thing. It doesn’t work.

A thing is what it is.

Anger is anger. Its not transformed. Until we sit and are present with whatever it is. We sit. We see it. By seeing it, it moves. Or it doesn’t.

Its a delicate dance. Sitting. Observing. Not getting swallowed up but the pain or emotion.

Sometimes it takes baby steps. Bit by bit. That’s ok too. And we can take breaks. Putting our attention on other things. Asking for help. Allowing the unknown to untie the knot. Allowing Grace to enter in.

But being with what is, is the beginning of healing. Being comfortable in our body is health. Feeling joy In our Body is part of spirit manifesting through us.

We don't have to know the way out. We just have to see what is. Somehow when we do, it allows the healing to begin.


Spring And FREEDOM


Transforming The Junk Of Life