Transforming The Junk Of Life

September 16, 2020

Mushrooms amaze and fascinate me. Lately in the forest we’ve seen some awesome examples. They have this element of surprise — you kind of stumble upon them, or turn a corner and - bam! - there they are.

Mushrooms take the literal junk — the dead, rotting stuff of the forest and turn it into something magical — and some times even super healing.

Where are the places we think are unsalvageable? That are beyond hope?

The energy of mushrooms is below the surface, working underground. Its magic, unexpected. the network that connects the whole forest.

Our bodies carry the same potential. They have magic super powers running through the unconscious, powers of healing even when we’ve given up, think there’s no way or hope.

So when I walk by a mushroom these days, I always say hello. I give it a little bow of gratitude for its work. And I remind myself that even the stuff with no seemingly hope can be turned into… magic.


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