How Much Does Acupuncture Cost?

January 12, 2022

How much does Acupuncture cost?

A Harvard study list the cost of a single session of acupuncture between $65 and $135 nationwide. The average cost for an acupuncture session in New York is $130. (Although rates can go as high as $300). When looking for an acupuncturist and deciding how much to pay here are some things to keep in mind.

The cost of an acupuncture session will vary based on where the clinic is, who is doing the procedure, the time you’re on the table, and if it’s a private or semi private/group session.

Time. An acupuncture session can range from 20 minutes to an 60 MInutes + depending on treatment. . Certain sessions or procedures have certain amounts of time. Our usual followup treatment is 50 minutes.

Location. Location of course makes a difference. Whether it’s in a large clinic, a private practice, affiliated with a medical group or school, all of these things can matter. For example, Low cost sessions can be found at acupuncture schools where you are observed by and needled by students. A practitioner oversees the treatment protocol.

Private versus group. Community Acupuncture is done in an open room with people seated on chairs or tables all being treated at the same time. These sessions tend to use less points and be more generalized. Think of it like getting a neck massage at the manicurist. It’s good for a general treatment, a ‘tune up’.

Some people like or require more privacy. A private individual session allows for a more individualized treatment -and will cost more. You generally get more time and more one on one with the practitioner. Plus, you don’t have to share the story of your medical problem with a room full of strangers.

Practitioner. You want to consider who is doing the needling. Who is the practitioner? What’s their training? how long have they been working? Luckily, in New York to become a licensed acupuncturist you need over four years of training. So as long as someone is licensed (LAc) in New York that’s a really important start. Added plus is if the person is registered with NCCAOM, a credentialing that requires continuing education requirements every two years. You can also find practitioners who are DAC, Doctor of Acupuncture, or DAOM, Dr. of Oriental medicine. This is even further training in the medicine.

Sometimes you’ll go into a store front acupuncture place with staff that’s earning minimal to do your session. These places tend to hire those right out of school. You may still get an absolute awesome treatment. I’m not saying its not possible. But the emphasis is on turnover. Not as much the patient. Often there are set protocols that are repeated over and over. This might work fine for certain conditions like stress, sleep, etc. but not as beneficial for others.

So you want to consider who is doing the actual work, location, whether it’s a private or group setting. And what is the time that you’re on the table. All of these things affect the cost.

As for our office, we work to keep our rates low as possible and still do individualized treatments that are tailored for you.. Because that’s the thing that makes Chinese medicine so interesting. It’s a medicine that works with You. And everyone heals and grows in a unique way.


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